Trying To Bounce Back From Burnout?

Start With Our Webinar To Get You Prepared


Inspiring Leadership Coaching |

Inspiring Leadership Coaching |


Enhanced Self-Awareness:

One of the primary benefits of this webinar is the heightened self-awareness you will develop. By understanding the signs and symptoms of burnout, you will be better equipped to identify if and when you are on the path towards burnout. This early detection is crucial in taking proactive steps to prevent it from escalating further.

Improved Wellbeing and Productivity:

As you learn to align your work with your core values and passions, you will not only enhance your wellbeing but also see a boost in your productivity. A sense of purpose in what you do can significantly reduce the risk of burnout and promote a healthier work-life balance.

Effective Boundary Setting:

In today's always-on culture, setting boundaries can be challenging. This webinar will provide you with practical techniques to set and maintain boundaries effectively, enabling you to manage your time better, prioritize your wellbeing, and say no when necessary. This skill is not only beneficial in preventing burnout but also in improving your overall quality of life.

Inspiring Leadership Coaching

It's not just about feeling tired; it's a state of chronic physical and emotional exhaustion that can have serious consequences on your health, productivity, and overall quality of life. But the good news is, burnout is not inevitable. With the right tools and strategies, it can be identified early, managed effectively, and even avoided altogether.

In this interactive workshop, we will equip you with practical tools for early identification of burnout. You will learn to recognize the signs and symptoms, understand the different types of burnout, and develop actionable strategies to overcome it. We believe that knowledge is power, and understanding what burnout is, is the first step towards preventing it.

Upcoming Webinar

"How To Identify and Avoid Burnout"

April 23, 2024 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm EST



“Recognize the connection between a sense of purpose and wellbeing”

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • This webinar is designed to provide practical strategies for early

    detection, tailored coping mechanisms, and proactive

    measures to prevent burnout altogether. By recognizing its

    symptoms and causes, you can develop a more resilient,

    purposeful, and burnout-resistant life.

  • This webinar is ideal for anyone who is feeling burnout. A feeling of "burnout" may relate to your work, career, care-giving or other responsibilities.

  • Yes, there will be a Q&A session at the end of the webinar. You can also submit questions in advance when you register.

  • The webinars are nonrefundable and will not be available for rewatching.

Submit Your Questions

Any questions you may have about the webinar that have not already been answered in the FAQ section can be submitted here and we will get back to shortly.

This webinar is intended solely to provide information. The information presented as part of this webinar and any material published in relation to this webinar is provided for general purposes only and should not be construed as professional advice from any of the hosts, presenters or sponsors.